Youth Violence

The Tower Hamlets Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is a statutory requirement of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998: working in partnership to address local issues including antisocial behaviour, drug or alcohol misuse, and re-offending. The multi-agency strategic group is built on the premise that no single agency can deal with, or be responsible for dealing with, complex community safety issues and that these issues can be addressed more effectively and efficiently through working in partnership.

The partnership is made up of both statutory agencies and co-operating bodies within the borough (known as the ‘responsible authorities’), including:

  • The Metropolitan Police,
  • Tower Hamlets Local Authority,
  • London Fire Brigade,
  • East London Foundation Trust (ELFT), and
  • National Probation Service

Co-operating bodies include the London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime as well as key local partners with a vested interest in community safety, including Tower Hamlets Council for Voluntary Services. 

Community Safety Partnership (CSP) (

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