Child Protection Codes

When a child protection safeguarding clinical code is added to a patient’s record, EMIS Web also automatically adds a child protection patient warning.

The child protection patient warning is displayed in the patient précis and the expanded patient précis, using the following icons:

  • For any safeguarding, child protection clinical term,  is displayed.
  • For a Looked After Child (LAC) clinical term,  is displayed.

If a child protection warning no longer applies to a patient, an additional clinical code needs to be added to the patient record to remove the warning. The table below contains all the child protection clinical codes along with their corresponding removal clinical codes:

Protection register
Safeguarding child protection warning clinical codesSafeguarding child protection warning removal clinical codes
Child on protection register13IMor160887007    Child removed from protection register    13IOor160889005
On child protection register13Idor160887007
On child protection plan8CM6or1064311000000109
Child protection plan
Safeguarding child protection warning clinical codesSafeguarding child protection warning removal clinical codes
Subject to child protection plan13Ivor342191000000101          No longer subject to child protection plan          13Iwor342891000000105
Child protection observations13WTor224353004
Child protection category13WT0or802251000000109
Child protection category emotional13WT1or802301000000102
Child protection category physical13WT2or80231100000100
Child protection category sexual13WT3or80228000000103
Child protection category neglect13WT4or802271000000100
Looked after child arrangement
Safeguarding child protection warning clinical codesSafeguarding child protection warning removal clinical codes
Looked after Child13IB1or764841000000100  No longer subject of looked after child arrangement  9NgFor764951000000107 
Looked after child – Children (Scotland) Act 199513IVor112921000000104
Safeguarding concern
Safeguarding child protection warning clinical codesSafeguarding child protection warning removal clinical codes
Safeguarding childrenEMISNQSA3or982831000006100     Child no longer safeguarding concern     9NgBor810771000000107 
Safeguarding children and young people toolkit for general practice (2009 revision)38G4or805431000000107 
Child safeguarding concernEMISNQCH101or1823761000006106
Child is cause for safeguarding concern13WXor836881000000105

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