A specialised community service offering high quality, evidence-based assessment and treatment for children, young people and their families who are suffering with an eating disorder.
The Community Eating Disorders Service for Children and Young People (CEDS-CYP)
We are a specialised community service offering high quality, evidence-based assessment and treatment for children, young people and their families who are suffering with an eating disorder.
CEDS-CYP works as part of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service who are the point of access into our service.
Staffed by a multi-disciplinary team that includes Consultant Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, Dietetics, Specialist Nursing, Family Therapy and Eating Disorder Therapists.
Based in the community and deliver care within clinics as well as home visits when required.
Provides the assessment and treatment for the following conditions Anorexia Nervosa; Bulimia Nervosa; Binge Eating Disorder and Atypical or non-specific eating disorders
Accepts referrals of children and young people up until their 18th birthday.
referrals are screened and seen based on urgency
All emergency referrals will be seen on the same day, urgent referrals will be seen within 5 days, and routine referrals will be seen within 15 days.
Who to refer
Please provide details of:
– Height, weight, and any weight change.
– Any signs of deliberately attempting to lose weight (e.g. vomiting, dietary restricting, purging, excessive exercise) or binging.
– Preliminary blood tests
– Pulse and Blood pressure
See attachment 1 referral pathway including RED FLAGS
Please complete the Single point access referral Form ELFT ( located on EMIS) which has a tick box for Eating Disorders.
Hours of Service 9 am to 5 pm.
Consent It is important to obtain consent from someone with legal parental responsibility of the child prior to consultation with our service. Young people aged 16 or over (and those under the age of 16 who are competent to do so) are able to provide consent in their own right
How to refer
Referral Details
Please provide details of:
– Height, weight, and any weight change.
– Any signs of deliberately attempting to lose weight (e.g. vomiting, dietary restricting, purging, excessive exercise) or binging.
– Preliminary blood tests
– Pulse and Blood pressure
Please see attachment for referral pathway including RED FLAGS
Please complete the Single point access referral Form ELFT ( located on EMIS) which has a tick box for Eating Disorders.
Hours of Service 9 am to 5 pm.
Consent It is important to obtain consent from someone with legal parental responsibility of the child prior to consultation with our service. Young people aged 16 or over (and those under the age of 16 who are competent to do so) are able to provide consent in their own right.

For additional information, please see below:
Referral Pathway for Children and Young People
Community Eating Disorder Service for Children and Young People