Serious Shortage Protocols for Cefalexin – extension/end

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Because of ongoing supply issues, we are extending the Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs 079, 080 and 081) currently in place for Estradot® 50mcg, 75mcg and 100mcg patches. SSP079 is due to end on 21 March. SSPs 080 and 081 are due to end on 14 March

The new end date for all three SSPs is now Friday 4 April.

The SSPs are available to view onthe NHS Business Service Authority (BSA)’s dedicated SSP web page.

If you have any questions regarding the SSPs please contact the NHS Prescription Service:


Telephone: 0300 330 1349

Textphone: 18001 0300 330 1349

To access the latest information about SSPs (including supporting guidance), please visit the following link –

Many thanks for your assistance with this request on Behalf of Department of Health and Social Care.

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