All staff who have contact with children should watch Asthma and Allergy Awareness sessions

To comply with national standard and safety we are retaining the 85% staff target. Staff can either access a virtual or video awareness session.

1. The virtual sessions are provided by the School Nursing Team. This is a half-termly awareness sessions.

2. The awareness video: This requires watching the below videos:

Youtube Link

3. Whole staff Asthma and Allergy awareness face to face by Asthma nurse Specialist on inset days or any other availability you have: contact

Once you have attended a session let your champion know so they can record and known how many staff have attended.

Parent Awareness session that can be played at coffee mornings. Just download me and play to parents.

This presentation can be played by staff to parents to increase awareness if there are any questions parents may wish to ask following this, I am happy to be emailed on

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It is not for public use.

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