Tower Hamlets Crisis Line

Supports people of all ages living and working in Tower Hamlets.
Available 24 hours a day and callers will be given support and advice from mental health professionals.
 ‘First port of call’ for anyone experiencing a mental health crisis and to remove the need for those people to seek help via hospital A&E services

The crisis hub has ended and has been replaced by the Crisis response team.  Access is via the crisis line and if needed a f2f appointment is made within 4hrs of referral. 

This is a possible alternative to attending A+E. For information on other mental health services please see summary.

– Support people all ages living and working in Tower Hamlets.

– Available 24 hours a day and callers will be given support and advice from mental health professionals.

– ‘first port of call’ for anyone experiencing a mental health crisis and to remove the need for those people to seek help via hospital A&E services.

– The Crisis Response Team can offer
•A biopsychosocial assessment and crisis safety plan
•Referral to the Crisis Therapy Service
•Refer to the CMHT GP notification will be sent)
•Home Treatment Team referral
•Referral to non-statutory organisations
•Referral to the Together (Crisis) Cafe
•Admission to a Tower Hamlets Mental Health bed

Additional notes

Practices are now asked to consider the following scripts and texts for their voicemail message, practice websites (for out of hours information) and for other NHS Resources sections:

Practice Voicemail Message

Suggested sentence for to add to GP practice voicemail messages. The first sentence will be enough. Second sentence optional:

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, you can call the Tower Hamlets 24 hour Crisis Line number.

Callers will be able to speak to a mental health professional.

Suggested Text for Practice Websites Out of Hours Information

Mental Health Crisis

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, you can call the Tower Hamlets 24 hour Crisis Line number

Callers will be able to speak to a mental health professional.

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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