Approximately 10% of babies are born with some degree of ankyloglossia. Not all babies with tongue tie need to have a frenulotomy. Frenulotomy should not be seen as a substitute for skilled breastfeeding support.
Tower Hamlets provide a midwife led frenulotomy clinic.
Who to refer
Patient Group:
Babies up to 6 months old whose mothers intend to breastfeed and present with difficulties as a result of restricted tongue movement due to tongue tie.
Babies up to 6 months who are experiencing difficulties bottle feeding.
Resident of Tower Hamlets
Before referral
If there is suspicion of Tongue Tie but no clear diagnosis, direct the mother to:
Tongue-tie Assessment Drop-in Groups
How to refer
Referral or an email regarding a tongue-tie referral can be sent to the Clinic using attached Contact details
Please note that we currently have a 2-3 weeks wait for a TTC appt.
Referral contact details:
Tower Hamlets Feeding Support Service RLH