Free places on Certificate in Environmental Skills for the Workforce course

We have a fully funded opportunity for you to gain a better understanding of Environmental Sustainability and the responsibilities we all hold in our professional roles. This is open to all staff in the North East London Integrated Care System (NHS Trusts, ICB, Primary Care, Local Authority, Social Care, Public Health and Voluntary Sector). In Primary Care settings you may want to consider allocating spaces to Practice Managers.

This one day course is designed and certified by the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA), and delivered by ICS colleagues, to equip leaners with practical introduction to environmental sustainability. This will equip you with the knowledge, understanding and motivation to make positive contributions towards addressing the current environmental emergencies and delivering your organisations Green Plan.

The full day sessions are delivered online via MS Teams, on the following dates:

Dates, all 9am – 5pm (7 hours):

• Tuesday 25 June

• Wednesday 10 July

• Thursday 26 September

• Thursday 14 November.

Key Features of the Course:

• No prior environmental knowledge required – this open to all staff from any health and care profession

• Digital workbook supplied for learners to keep

• Practical activities and workshops throughout the session

• At the end of the course, an accredited IEMA certificate is awarded to all those that attain a minimum score of 70% in the online multiple-choice assessment.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course leaners will have knowledge and understanding of:

• the main environmental and economic risks and opportunities

• compliance obligations and business drivers for change

• the main potential impacts on environment and sustainability

• how to improve environmental performance.

Registration & Further Information

To book your place please sign up here. If you have any problems with the e-form, please email the team with your date of choice on

Last chance to book a place: Monday 11 November 2024 (Course Capacity: 12 Delegates)

Please follow this link for further information

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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