NCD 23/24 Year End Actions

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The purpose of the below comms is to ensure PCNs have their achievement calculated accurately and declared for the Network Contract direct enhanced services (NCD) 23/24 before the final payment approval deadline.


Under NCD, information about Primary Care Network (PCN) achievements is collected by various data sources which is used within CQRS to calculate the PCN payments for the current financial year.

Year-end actions required

To ensure your NCD achievement is accurately calculated and sent to PCSE online for payment before the final ‘Payment Approval Date’ please ensure the below actions are completed.

Ensure any practices with an active PCN membership have had their NCD2324 service offered and auto-accepted on their behalf.31 March 2024
Please manually enter data for the denominator EHCH-01/NCD012 (Number of care home beds aligned to the PCN) if required as otherwise it will default to 0 if not manually entered in order for achievement to be approved.Before Service Provider payment approval
Commissioners are to declare achievement once all data has been inputted either by automated extraction or manual entry, achievement has calculated and all subject to declare indicators have been approved by the service provider*Before Financial Approval

Payment approval

*Please see attached guidance on how to declare indicators.

Please note when financially approving – Achievement cannot be amended once financially declared and will have to be manually corrected off system if required later.

Payment approval dates

Payment Date 2024Payment Approval Deadline 2024
Thursday 20 JuneWednesday 5 June
Friday 19 JulyThursday 4 July
Tuesday 20 AugustMonday 5 August

Practice Data re-aggregation to PCN level for 31 March Achievement data

Network Contract DES 23/24 indicators can be updated as required at any time before the August 5 deadline and the data will be re-aggregated unless achievement has already been financially approved. If any practice data is missing after the deadline date, they will not have their data aggregated to PCN level which will mean an achievement will not be calculated.

Manual entry of Denominator data for EHCH-01/NCD012 (This is a Management Information indicator)

Manual entry is required for the EHCH-01/NCD012 denominator, however, where commissioners/PCNs are unable to enter this manual data before payment approval, the data for the affected practices will default to 0. It has been highlighted that if this data is not entered before the automated collection takes place April 16th the system may not allow manual entry of data for this indicator after GPES data is loaded into the system due to a validation rule in CQRS therefore the value will default to 0.

NCD expected delivery dates

Key NCD Action MilestonesExpected dates 2024
Data expected for GPESTuesday 16 April – Saturday 20 April
Data expected for GPAD
(EHCH-04/NCDMI198 & ACC-08/NCD026)
Thursday 25 April
Achievement Calculation*Thursday 9 May – Friday 10 May

*Please note that the Achievement calculation date may be subject to change.

If practices/PCNs cannot see information from a collection in CQRS by the date given, or it is different to the information in the clinical system, please request that they provide evidence to support this claim to the commissioner.


FAQ’s for the NCD service have now been updated on the CQRS website here

CQRS Support

The following channels are available for further NCD related enquiries:

CQRS Support, 0330 124 4039, 8am-6pm Mon-Fri (excl. bank holidays).
Contract/policy (NHS England)
Training:CQRS Training
System:CQRS log in


Declaring indicators within a service

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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