CQRS: QOF End of Year Reminder

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This update contains:

1. QOF year-end actions required

2. QOF extract timetable

3. Year-end support and contact details

QOF year-end actions required.

Preparation and actions for the 23/24-end QOF collection must be completed by the deadlines indicated. This will enable CQRS to calculate your 23/24 QOF achievement payments and calculate 24/25 aspiration payments.

1. Ensure you are participating in QOF 23/24 on CQRS. Contact your commissioning organisation if you have not been offered QOF 23/24. Find out how to check this by using the guide on our training site.31 March 2024
2.Agree to participate in QOF 24/25 on CQRS once it has been offered by your commissioner. Practices will start to see the offer in CQRS from 13 March 2024. Find out how to agree to participate this by using the guide on our training site.31 March 2024
3.Complete all the relevant actions in the QOF 23/24 year-end checklist on our website.31 March 2024

If you do not complete all three actions above, your aspiration and/or achievement payment calculation will be affected and payments expected in April 2024 may be delayed.

Manual Indicators

Manual entry of indicators is required for the following indicators in 23/24, unless you are one of the small number of organisations that must enter data manually for all indicators. Please ensure all data is submitted before 31 March 2024.

QI013The contractor can demonstrate continuous quality improvement activity focused upon workforce and wellbeing as specified in the QOF guidance 
QI014The contractor has participated in network activity to regularly share and discuss learning from quality improvement activity focused on workforce and wellbeing as specified in current QOF guidance. This would entail attending two primary care network meetings, at the start and towards the end of QI activity. If a practice is not within a PCN, the expectation is that two meetings would be held locally with other practices
QI016The contractor can demonstrate that it has in place a recognised and validated approach to understanding demand/activity, capacity and appointment data and has made improvements to data quality to better reflect practice work.
QI017The contractor can demonstrate that it has utilised demand and capacity data to inform operational decisions and plan for demand and capacity matching 
QI018The contractor has participated in network activity to review the smart cards of all staff employed under the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS), to ensure that the staff role assigned on their smart card aligns with the role they are employed under within the ARRS.
The contractor can demonstrate improvement in reducing avoidable appointments by 
1. Using BI tools, if available and practice collected data where not, to understand the practice activity including variations over the days of the week, time of day and time of year.
2. Developing an understanding of the telephone queue either by extracting data from their cloud-based telephony system or asking staff to collect data over a period.
3. Using that data to understand their peaks of activity and better matching their capacity to their demand by, for instance, reviewing rotas.
4. Using improvement techniques described in the Primary Care Transformation Team’s webinar series on Demand and Capacity which provides practical advice and guidance.
5. Referencing the Royal College of General Practitioner’s 6 steps to start to improve delivering continuity of care from their Continuity Toolkit for those who need it and adapting to suit the needs of the practice.

For full details, please refer to our full CQRS manual entry user guide, which is held on the CQRS training website.

 QOF Extract Timetable

The below timetable shows the planned dates for the upcoming QOF year-end 23/24 extract.

The below timetable shows the planned dates for the upcoming QOF year-end 23/24 extract.

Participation extracted from CQRSSunday 31 March
GP System Data Extractions WindowMonday 1 April to Tuesday 2 April (2 days)
Prevalence Calculation & checksWednesday 3 April
Achievement and Aspiration calculationsWednesday 3 April to Friday 5 April
Achievement available to view and declare in CQRSSaturday 6 April

We will distribute a further update on Wednesday 3 April to inform practices if the data collection has been successful. It will also advise what action needs to be taken to receive payment if your data is not available in CQRS.

Achievement summary report

You will be notified within the CQRS system once your practice’s achievement has been calculated. Once complete, you will be able to run the achievement summary report for QOF to view your achievement. Guidance is available in the FAQs on our website.

Year-end user support

If your query is not resolved through the year-end specific FAQs on our website, assistance is available via the contacts below:

CQRS Support Team:support@cqrs.co.uk, 0330 124 4039, 8am-6pm Mon-Fri (excl. bank holidays).
Contract/policy queries:england.gpcontracts@nhs.net (NHS England)
Training:CQRS Training
System:CQRS log in

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