Guidance to support HC2 application for asylum seekers

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sylum seekers often require support to access healthcare and prescriptions. 

Accessing prescriptions (and other charged NHS services) can be a challenge, particularly for destitute asylum seekers in temporary Home Office accommodation. 

No one organisation is commissioned to specifically support individuals seeking asylum to complete the required forms to get help with health costs they may be entitled to. Those who have low or no income are eligible to apply for an HC2 certificate, a document issued by the NHS Low Income Scheme (NHS LIS), allowing individuals to get full help covering healthcare costs by completing a HC1 form.

This guidance has been produced by a national working group to support those professionals who work with asylum seekers to support access to healthcare and prescriptions. It may also be useful for supporting access for other vulnerable migrants, such as refugees.

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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