Hackney GP Surgery nominated for Sustainability category at the PrescQIPP National Annual Awards

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NHS North East London would like to offer congratulations to Pharmacist Uzma Shaikh, GPs Dr Simirit Degun and Dr Darren Baker based at Elsdale Street Surgery who were nominated for the PrescQIPP National Annual Awards in the ‘Sustainability’ category.  On 3 October they attended the PrescQIPP awards ceremony in Nottingham to be congratulated and to share their work with other attendees. 

Uzma, Simirit and Darren designed a multidisciplinary approach and conducted group consultations for asthma and COPD patients in order to improve patient outcomes and contribute to a more sustainable NHS. 

The group consultation focused on a variety of discussion topics, including:

  • educating patients on their condition
  • the importance of adhering to preventer treatment 
  • the environmental impacts of inhalers 
  • disposing of inhalers safely
  • assessing inhaler technique
  • switching to a lower carbon footprint inhaler where appropriate.

The group consultations have so far been a success, with one patient saying “Today’s session was brilliant, especially the images shown as to what’s happening inside my lungs was very impactful, please include more”.   

Due to clinically appropriate inhaler switching, there was also an 88% reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions (88.15 kgCO2e). This is equivalent to charging 10,723 smartphones. Going forward, the practice plans to continue offering group consultations while also helping to reduce the carbon impact of asthma and COPD care. 

Sagal Hashi, Lead pharmacist Medicines Optimisation NEL City & Hackney Place Based Partnership, said ” Congratulations to Uzma, Dr Degun and Dr Barker and the whole of Elsdale practice for this well deserved nomination for the sustainability award. Your commitment to improve patient care whilst still focusing on sustainable practices is truly commendable and inspiring. 

Rebecca Waters, Health Inequalities and Improvemenent Manager, NHS North East London, said “North East London are performing really well in our efforts to reduce medicines waste and overprescribing of inhalers. This example shows how to reduce our carbon footprint at the same time as providing high quality, patient centred care”.

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