Transitional Funding to move to a Modern General Practice Model

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You will recently have been contacted by your local Primary Care Place Team with details of the NEL process for transitional funding to support the move to a Modern General Practice Model and details of the notional allocation per practice.  

We are writing both as a reminder to apply and to clarify the process, as it appears that there may have been a misunderstanding of the process from some practices. Practices can choose which area of development they want to focus on and then fill out the appropriate section of the form. There is no expectation that practices are required to undertake activities in all the possible development areas outlined on the form. 

Application forms should be completed and returned to your place based primary care team.  Once the form is received and approved, we will arrange for you to have 50% of the funding in advance.  Forms can be submitted at any time but the final deadline is 31 December 2023.The remaining 50% will be paid on completion in 24/25 following receipt of a claim form detailing how the funding has been spent. 

Kind regards 

NEL Primary Care Central Team


Transitional funding application form

Process for transitional support funding

Transitional funding notional allocation schedule

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