BHRUT build a new service for patients who have simple, stable fractures

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The BHRUT orthopaedics team have been working hard to build a new service for our patients who have simple, stable fractures who do not need to be seen in our virtual or face to face fracture clinics.

The current volumes of activity running through the virtual fracture clinics are increasing, putting a strain on the current workforce and causing delays for patients who do need to come in to see a clinician in a face to face clinic. The objective is to have direct discharges from the UTC with advice that can be looked up on our website, which is currently under construction.  The website is modelled on the Leeds Virtual Treatment Pathways site, which you can view at Leeds Fracture Clinic – Virtual Treatment Pathways ( They have kindly allowed us to duplicate their material, and we have re-recorded the advice videos.

The patients will be provided with a patient information leaflet containing a QR code and the website address, and will be directed to log in and view the advice when they return home. The patient will be able to view a step by step guide to what to expect with their injury and recovery, along with a video explaining a little bit about their injuries.  There is also a telephone number for patients to call in case they still have any concerns or queries. For patients who do not have access to the internet, they will be directed via the normal fracture clinic pathways.

Attached is a short presentation which holds more detail about the pathways and the fractures that are included in the project.


Virtual treatment pathways

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