Wait Well, Stay Well patient site
Earlier this year, NHS NEL launched a website for NHS patients, to help them manage their health and wellbeing, called ‘Wait well, Stay well.’
The website is designed to provide useful information and links to local and national resources to help people manage their own health and wellbeing whist they wait for hospital treatment.
It includes the following information for patients:
- How to maintain your physical health
- How to look after your mental health
- Being prepared for surgery
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Links to routine waiting time information by specialty/Trust
- Other resources including links to local and national organisations and Royal Colleges.

We are encouraging our GP and hospital consultant colleagues to direct patients to the website while they are waiting, it can provide them with information to help them to manage their condition and stay healthy. It contains links to the NHS My planned care website where patients can check waiting times for their procedure/operation. Information and resources on the website will be updated regularly so it always current.
Please share the link to the website Home – Wait well, stay well (icb.nhs.uk) with your networks.