Patient Access To Medical Records

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We would like to share the latest additional information that is coming through from NHSE / BMA etc, Dr Osman Bhatti has summarised this into one page of information which can be accessed using this link

Secondly, with the changing landscape around Patient Access to Medical Records, the GP Record Access by Patients project team together with the Training Hub team has coordinated two sessions of webinar which explain and share the current process to allow practices to comply with their contractual requirements.

These sessions also outlined the process of redaction and how to allow patients access to their records upon request in a controlled way. 

We would encourage practices to review the presentation slides and the recording to ensure your practice is ready to embark on the changes.

The slides and recording links can be accessed using the links below:-

No.WebinarDateTimePresentation slideWebinar Recording link
1.1st session4  September 20231PM – 2PMSeptember Presentation slide
2.2nd session3 October 202312PM – 1PMOctober Presentation slide

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