BCG vaccination within 28 days of birth

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Dear Practice Colleagues, 

Re: BCG vaccination within 28 days of birth 

We would like to thank Practices for all your hard work this coming winter season as you deliver various immunisation programmes to prevent vaccine preventable diseases.  

We would like to remind Practices that eligible babies should receive their BCG vaccination by 28 days old. The BCG vaccination should only be given when the baby has a known SCID screening outcome of ‘SCID not suspected’, ‘SCID not offered’ or ‘SCID declined’. It can be given at any time in relation to the rotavirus and other vaccines, including other live vaccines. For further information please see Changing the timing of the neonatal BCG immunisation programme to a 28 day immunisation programme: effective from 1 September 2021

London Region BCG providers work hard to ensure appointments are offered before a child is 28 days old and we are receiving feedback that a substantial number of children were not brought because their surgery has advised delaying BCG. We therefore ask that you please do not advise patients to delay any vaccine, unless absolutely necessary. Please ensure that babies are invited for their primary immunisation schedule as usual.  

Should you have any queries, please contact

Thank you. 

Kind regards 

London Immunisation Team
NHS England – London Region

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