Tower Hamlets – Single Point Of Access for Musculoskeletal Conditions Update

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Dear Tower Hamlet GP practices,

Thank you for all your efforts to make the change over to referrals via eRS for the Tower Hamlets Single Point of Access for Musculoskeletal Conditions Service (IMAPS, Physiotherapy, Persistent Pain and Hand Therapy).

The crossover period is now coming to an end and as of the 16th December the service will no longer accept emailed referrals. Please only refer via eRS.

The service on eRS is named: MSK single point of access – RAS – (RLH) – Barts Health NHS Trust – R1H (this process is also referenced on the form). The referral form is published on Emis Resource Publisher.

Please also note that this service does not treat:

· Domicillary/ home physiotherapy

· Paediatric physiotherapy (< age 16)

· Neurophysiotherapy

· Women’s health physiotherapy

· Rheumatology referrals (should be directed to advice and referral platform)

If you have any query please contact

Kind Regards

Dr Lesley Perkins


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