Tower Hamlets Prolonged Jaundice Pathway


A new pathway has been developed for babies living in Tower Hamlets who have prolonged jaundice.
See evidence base (references below)
Aim is to make it easier for community midwives, health visitors and GPs to refer babies in for assessment and to reduce waiting times for families.

Who to refer

Prolonged jaundice criteria = Visible jaundice persisting:
• past 14 days in a term baby (>37 weeks)
• past 21 days in a preterm baby (< 37weeks)

if any red flag symptoms please redirect to emergency services (see flow chart below for full list)

How to refer

Forms are available on clinical system

Complete referral form – Found EMIS RP under ‘Prolonged jaundice virtual clinic referral form April 2020’

Email completed form to

Additional notes

1. Prolonged jaundice pathway flow chart with inclusion criteria and RED flag symptoms

Click attachment: Prolonged Jaundice pathway flow chart

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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