REMINDER: Change to referring to the Homerton Allergy Service

Dear Practice Managers and GPs,

Homerton Hospital has asked us to send a reminder about the change in its allergy service as they are receiving few referrals.

Please remember that referral to Homerton Allergy service is via Advice and Refer option only on eRS – please let practice referral admin teams know as appropriate. You can continue to refer to the service but, in many cases, you may get management advice rather than conversion to a referral. It is therefore important that you include a full history and details of any treatment already undertaken over what time periods.

Full details and further information on the Advice and Refer service is available on the GP website.  In addition, please see the following attached:

  • GP handbook
  • Notification letter
  • A&R quick guide
  • Patient leaflet – standard size and large print

With Warmest Regards, 

City and Hackney Communications and Engagement Team


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