IAPT services: Redbridge Talking Therapies

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On behalf of Redbridge Place Partnership

What is Talking Therapies?

Talking therapies offer psychological treatments for mental and emotional problems like stress, anxiety, and depression. There are lots of different types of talking therapy, but they all involve working with a trained therapist. This may be one-to-one, in a group, online or over the phone

Who can access this service?

Redbridge talking therapies is open to anyone 18 years or older and living in Redbridge borough, registered with a Redbridge GP.

How to access this service?

Patients can access our service by either doing a self-referral, or by asking a healthcare professional, such as a GP, to do a referral. For self-referral patients need to ring our main number (0300300 1554—option 1. Lines open: 9am–5pm, Monday–Friday) or fill in a self-referral at https://www.talkingtherapies.nelft.nhs.uk/redbridge/

What therapies do NELFT offer?

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) Interpersonal therapy (IPT) Counselling for depression (CfD) Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Couples therapy for depression, Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy Overview

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