Webinars: Reducing Inequalities in Breast Screening and Cervical Screening

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On behalf of Katie Storer, Equalities and Engagement Team and the NHS Cervical Screening Programme.

FAO: all GP practices, cervical sample takers, GPs/clinicians, and practice managers

  • Reducing Inequalities in Breast Screening: LGBTQ+ Webinar Tuesday 25 March 2025, 12.00pm – 1.00pm
  • Reducing Inequalities in Cervical Screening: LGBTQ+ Webinar Wednesday 26 March 2025, 12.00pm – 1.00pm

Reducing Inequalities in Cervical Screening: LGBTQ+ Webinar
The webinar will increase awareness and knowledge of the barriers LGBTQ+ communities’ face when engaging with cervical screening services. Providing recommendations and solutions to support screening providers to engage with the LGBTQ+ community and reduce inequalities in uptake.  PLEASE NOTE:  The webinar will also cover information regarding the introduction of the opt in process for transgender men and non-binary people with a cervix to automatically receive routine invitations for cervical screening.

The webinar will cover – 

  • Cervical Screening eligibility and uptake. 
  • Barriers, challenges and misconceptions.  
  • Reasonable adjustments. 
  • Inclusive conversations – language and pronouns. 
  • Effects of gender dysphoria.  
  • HPV Primary Screening and importance of the HPV vaccination.  
  • NHS Cervical Screening Programme developments; including the Cervical Screening Management System (CSMS) Opt-in process for transgender & non-binary people. 

When is it taking place: The webinar will be delivered by the LGBT Foundation on the 26 March 2025, 12.00pm – 1.00pm.  

Who should attend? NHSE Teams (regional commissioners, health and justice, gender services) and all Cervical Screening provider colleagues including but not limited to GP practices, sexual health clinics, transgender services.

What happens next? Regional Commissioning Teams are asked to share the registration link to the webinar events page for cervical screening services to register interest.

Reducing Inequalities in Cervical Screening: LGBTQ+ Webinar | NHS England Events 

For further information, contact: katie.storer2@nhs.net 

Reducing Inequalities in Breast Screening: LGBTQ+ Webinar
The webinar aims to increase awareness and knowledge of the barriers LGBTQ+ communities’ face when engaging with breast screening services. Providing recommendations and solutions to support screening providers to engage with the LGBTQ+ community and reduce inequalities in uptake.  

The webinar will cover:

  • Breast Screening eligibility and uptake. 
  • Process for transgender and non-binary people to access the NHS Breast Screening Programme.
  • Barriers, challenges and misconceptions.  
  • Reasonable adjustments. 
  • Inclusive conversations – language and pronouns. 
  • Effects of gender dysphoria.  

When is it taking place: The webinar will be delivered by the LGBT Foundation on Tuesday 25 March 2025, 12.00pm – 1.00pm.  

Who should attend? All Breast Screening provider colleagues and NHSE Regional Commissioners.  

What happens next? Regional Commissioning Teams are asked to share the link to the webinar events page for breast screening services to register interest. 

Reducing Inequalities in Breast Screening: LGBTQ+ Webinar | NHS England Events

If you are unable to attend the webinar, the recording will be made available on NHSFutures.  

For further information, contact: katie.storer2@nhs.net.

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