Heroin/opiate related overdoses in Camden
On behalf of Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco team, DHSC
We have been informed of a spate of 12 non-fatal heroin or opiate related overdoses in 3 separate areas in Camden which occurred on 3rd March, involving the local street population / rough sleepers. Those impacted recovered following provision of naloxone. We do not have confirmation of the drug involved, or if synthetic opioids were involved at this stage.
We are writing to inform you so that you can take additional action to protect your local vulnerable drug using populations, and particularly rough sleepers, by reiterating harm reduction messages and ensuring appropriate provision of naloxone.
Please ensure that harm reduction measures are reiterated to vulnerable populations, including:
- Don’t use alone
- Carry naloxone
- Start low, go slow
- Don’t all use at the same time
In the event of an overdose act quickly:
1. Call 999 for an Ambulance
2. Check if they are Breathing
3. Put them in the Recovery Position
4. Administer Naloxone: Start with onedose of naloxone, and wait a minute or two to see if normal breathing resumes. If it doesn’t, administer another dose of naloxone. Stay with the individual until the ambulance arrives.
If you are aware of further overdoses in your local area, please ensure this information is submitted to the local drug information system (LDIS) coordinator, who should submit it regionally via the online system.