Bowel Cancer Screening Project – Eclipse
Eclipse is a tool that is already deployed in all GP practices across North East London and is predominantly used for Medicines Optimisation. North East London Cancer Alliance have commissioned Eclipse to utilise the risk stratification and patient engagement facilities within the tool to prioritise and engage with patients who have not responded to the national bowel cancer screening programme. The chosen cohorts are PCNs with the highest deprivation centile populations because evidence shows that people from the highest deprivation centiles are less likely to engage and have poorer outcomes. If insufficient practices are not recruited, then GP practices who also show interest in the programme will be offered.
Use Case – Purpose
Eclipse will carry out a search based on the North West London Bowel cancer screening hub criteria to identify non responder patients and send them a text using NHSconnect. The text will signpost to a website/survey to educate the patient why they should use the screening test and ascertain if they would like to take part. The survey also has the facility for the patient to reorder a replacement fit kit with one click. Consent is sought at that point to send the patient details, including address to the hub for the purposes of posting the kit
How is the processing of information necessary to the work?
- For Eclipse to identify patients in the target GP practices who have not responded to the bowel cancer screening programme for engagement
- For Eclipse to identify patients in the target GP practices who have not responded to the bowel cancer screening programme for engagement
- Eclipse can then send the text message via the spine to non- responders
- If non-responders click on the online survey their responses will be recorded to ascertain if the website portal information has encouraged them to participate in the bowel cancer screening programme and if they wish to reorder a replacement kit
- If patients wish to reorder a replacement kit, they will need to consent to sharing their details (name and home address) with NWL screening hub for the purposes of being able to post the kit to their home address. The posting of the kit is done by Real Digital International who print the address labels and post the kits to the patients
- NEL ICB and NEL Cancer Alliance will analyse the reporting figures to support the evaluation at the end of the project.
- Increased engagement and patient education with the screening programme
- Increased test completion
- Increase test reorder requests
- Possible increased queries to the GP practices for red flag symptoms
- Slight increase in referrals of positive fit results and diagnosis of cancer or other gastrointestinal conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease
Please could you take the following actions (once you receive the alert from the Data Controller Console) to confirm (as Controller(s)) that you are happy for the information about your patients to be shared with Prescribing Services Ltd (PSL) who own Eclipse.
- 1. Log on to the Data Controller Console
- 2. Review and accept the [List of the IG documents]
- 3. Update the Practice’s Privacy Notice to include this processing.
Please note that by accepting the DSA on the Data Controller Console, you are responsible for:
- putting in place effective procedures to manage data subject access requests (from your patients) about the processing; and
- managing your own data breach(es).
Please contact your relevant Data Protection Officer If you have any information governance concerns.
Should you wish to discuss further about the programme, please contact Vicki Kong or Saira Parker-Deeks
We look forward to welcoming you to the programme.