CQRS extractions for maternal pertussis and maternal RSV vaccination programmes

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The London Imms team initially contacted practices at the end of November 2024 to advise of a possible national issue with the Acute Trust vaccination PoC System, RAVS (Record a Vaccination), affecting maternal Pertussis, maternal RSV and possibly maternal flu vaccination programmes and the automatic extraction of data for the purposes of CQRS/practice payments.  It was later confirmed that the flu programme was not affected.

The November achievement extraction within CQRS for Pertussis was held whilst the issue was investigated and resolved.  Once resolved, both the November and December achievement extractions were run.  The issue with the RSV data was also resolved in December.

The London Imms team have been awaiting further information from the National Team in relation to next steps and They were hoping that the Sept and Oct data could be re-run.  Due to the passage of time, this is becoming more unlikely and the current information is still that practices check their data before submitting it via CQRS.

The London Imms team have not approved any September or October 2024 Pertussis claims unless the practice has confirmed that the patient’s records have been checked to confirm that the vaccination was indeed given by the practice and not by another provider (as a practice does not claim for activity undertaken by another provider).  This action was outlined in the initial communication but there is still a high volume of claims that need to be checked by practices.

As the RSV Pregnant Women programme was a manual entry, none of the data could be re-run and all claims for Sep-Dec 2024 will need to be checked and confirmed before any approvals will be done.

As they are not clear on the detail within the practice systems, it is assumed that the data is still incorrect, so any practice searches will still give an incorrect return.  For this reason, the actual patient record will need to be checked.  Items that were given by another healthcare provider either need to be re-coded as such or the Non-GMS flag needs to be ticked.


  1. Sept 24 and Oct 24 CQRS achievement for Pertussis will need to be checked against the patient record to determine where the vaccination was given.
    1. Tick the Non-GMS Flag within each record or update system coding as appropriate using “other healthcare provider” SNOMED code 956971000000108.
    2. Sept 24 – Dec 24 achievement for RSV Pregnant Women will need to be checked against the patient record to determine where the vaccination was given.  (Some of the earlier claims incorrectly included adult vacs too, so possibly two separate issues with this programme).
    3. Contact the London Imms Team at england.londonimms@nhs.net to either confirm that the CQRS extraction has been validated against the patient record and is correct or advise which programme/month needs to be amended.

Future Actions:

Some of the vaccination programmes within the CQRS system are for services mostly provided by the School Aged Immunisation Service or by the Maternity Units.  There are occasions where these are given within the GP surgery, but the volumes are not expected to be very high.  We do however appreciate that some practices have a high number of students and/or have many pregnant women who have their maternal vaccinations with the practice. Either of these may mean that an individual practice’s CQRS is higher than average.

To ensure that we are making payments correctly, we will now be making additional checks for claims of 5 vacs and above for the following programmes:

HepB At-Risk Babies

HPV Programme

MenACWY Programme

Pertussis Programme

RSV Pregnant Women Programme

Checks were already being carried out for the HepB and HPV Programme but we now need to include these others.  Practices should already be checking their data prior to declaring an item, but to avoid delays to payments, it would be helpful if practices could add a declaration note to these items to confirm that the patient records have been checked and that the vaccinations were given in the practice.  Items of 5 and above will not be automatically approved until confirmation has been received.

If you are not sure whether your practice has already taken the initial action, please check the status of the items within CQRS to see if they are still waiting to be approved.  Items recently checked/amended will have a note added which you can also view.  Please do not ask the team to check as they will not have the resources to check for you due to the amount of outstanding claims and queries.

We thank you for undertaking these actions, which help ensure that vaccines are both coded and paid correctly, which helps the wider health system understand the impact and effectiveness of vaccination programmes. If you have any queries about this, please do contact our team at england.londonimms@nhs.net.

London Immunisation Team
NHS England – London Region

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