Have your say on supporting people with their psychotropic medicines

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The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is inviting you to take part in a survey about how people are supported to take their medicines for mental health (psychotropic medicines), safely and effectively in the community.

Ipsos, an independent research company, is undertaking this research on behalf of CQC. The research aims to provide CQC with a better understanding of the support people receive with their medicines and what good care looks like in relation to this.

It is important they hear from you to ensure they accurately represent the views of all individuals who contribute to supporting people with their psychotropic medicines, and provide CQC with robust findings.

How to take part:
To take part, simply click on the following link: https://online.ipsosinteractive.com/mriweb/mriweb.dll?i.project=S25004291&Id=&i.user1=1

This survey is voluntary and will take around 15 minutes to complete.

All responses will be confidential and anonymous and only Ipsos will know who said what. Ipsos will not share information on which service has completed the survey with CQC. The findings from this survey will only be used for research purposes, to help CQC improve the support provided to people taking psychotropic medicines in the community. The results will not be used for assessment or inspection purposes and will have no impact on your CQC rating.

You can access the privacy notice, which outlines further information about how they will use the data from the survey at https://media.ipsosinteractive.com/projects/S25004291/docs/privacy_notice.pdf.

If you have any questions about the survey or require assistance, please contact Ipsos at UK-PA-CMHMedicines@ipsos.com.

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

How would you rate your experience?
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