NEL Enhance Programme – webinar 3: Innovate, Collaborate, Integrate – 27 February

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We hear about system working, and the growing emphasis on population health. But what does this all mean in reality?

The King’s Fund defines population health as “An approach aimed at improving the health of an entire population. It is about improving the physical and mental health outcomes and wellbeing of people within and across a defined local, regional or national population, while reducing health inequalities. It includes action to reduce the occurrence of ill health, action to deliver appropriate health and care services and action on the wider determinants of health. It requires working with communities and partner agencies.”

A system way of working tells us no one organisation, or a single profession can do this work on its own.

North east London has already begun steady work in this area using an evidence-based approach. We are ambitious, and we know we need to do more – at pace and in greater collaboration – to ensure long-lasting impact and improvement in the health and wellbeing of our local people and communities.

We are delighted to welcome our guest speaker, Dr Stephanie Coughlin, Chief Partnership & Place Officer for Homerton Healthcare and GP. Steph is an established leader in Hackney and her work has focussed on integration and innovation across health, social care, and voluntary sector organisations, as well as leading on neighbourhood development in City & Hackney. Steph will share her passion about reducing gaps in health and care outcomes, and what she has learned about the power of good collaboration.

Join us for our third NEL Enhance webinar, make connections, have different types of conversations, be inspired.

Date and Time: Thursday 27 February 1pm – 2pm

For more information and to register visit the NEL Health Equity Academy enchance page

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