Havering: Supporting Local Carers – you can make a real difference to a local Carers life

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Being a caregiver can be both incredibly rewarding, and stressful, and it’s very important that we support informal and unpaid carers to maintain their own wellbeing.

As Clinicians and health professionals in Havering, you will be aware of the significant role that informal and unpaid carers (those who provide care for a friend or loved one) play, not just in supporting the person that they care for, but in terms of the support that this provides to the whole health and care system.

Carers are often at higher risk of physical and mental health issues due to the demands of their role. By formally recognising them, you open the door for them to access critical resources and healthcare services that can help prevent burnout and support their well-being.

There are currently nearly 6,000 people coded as Carers across primary care in Havering, however, 2021 Census data tells us that there are at least 22,000 people undertaking this vital role in the borough. 

If you identify a patient as an informal or unpaid carer, it is vital that they are coded as such. By doing so, carers can benefit from specific services designed to support them, including access to vaccinations such as flu and COVID-19 vaccines. Coding also means they can be flagged up to support services enabling them to continue the important work they do for our patients and the health economy.

There are also formal services that you can make them aware of in the Borough including:

Let us work together to ensure that this invisible workforce of informal carers are given the recognition, respect, and support they deserve.

Remember, by appropriately coding someone as a Carer on your system you will be providing protection to both them, and the person that they care for.

There are currently training sessions available across Havering to help health and care staff feel confident to have conversations with informal and unpaid carers about their role, further information is available in the attached leaflet.

Key Actions for GPs in Havering:

  1. Identify carers: If you believe that your patient is providing support to another person, ask them if they are looking after someone who needs extra support.
  2. Code carers: Ensure that the person is recorded in your system.
  3. Support access: Remind carers they are eligible for free flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.
  4. Provide resources: Direct carers to local support services such as the Havering Carers Hub for adults, or Imago for young Carers.

Thank you for all you do in working together with us to ensure that Havering unidentified carers have access to the support they so deserve.

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