Barking and Dagenham: Save the date: Thrive Together, Better Health for You and Baby Too pop up clinic

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Building on the success of previous events in Barking and Dagenham, NEL ICB partnering with the NEL LMNS, Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, local GPs and partners in health and care will be holding a pop-up event to raise awareness of the common health and wellbeing issues women, pregnant people and their families face before becoming pregnant, during pregnancy and after birth. Health and care professionals will be available to signpost and navigate attendees to the right services and to provide brief intervention.

The event will also act as a learning and networking opportunity for health and social care workers. 

We will be hosting the day at the Barking Learning Centre, 1st floor (2 Town Square, Barking, IG11 7NB) on Thursday 27 February from 11am to 4pm.

We expect the following themes to be covered and will be calling on you shortly to ask for volunteers to deliver a talk or hold an information stall:

  • Fertility
  • Women’s and men’s sexual health
  • Pre-pregnancy health (including vaccines, vitamins, diabetes and weight management)
  • Pregnancy health (including advice on staying well, diabetes and early warning signs)
  • Labour and birth (what to expect)
  • Post birth health (including pelvic health and mental wellbeing)
  • Babies and young children’s health (including vaccines)

Please RSVP to to confirm your attendance and promote/support your service on 27 February at Barking Learning Centre.

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