Homerton Paeds allergy educational session video

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With the transition to Advice & Refer, Homerton’s Paediatric Allergy Consultant, Dr. Tammy Rothenberg, has recently recorded an educational session with City & Hackney GPs. This session covered topics such as how to treat common food allergies, adrenaline autoinjector devices, urticaria, antihistamines, and drug allergies in paediatric patients.

The video can be found on the Homerton Paediatric Allergy webpage  or on the City and Hackney GP website.

For clinical queries, please contact the Homerton Paediatric Allergy Unit at huh-tr.paedsallergyoutpatientsunit@nhs.net.

For advice and refer queries, please contact Bess Badger, Outpatient Transformation and Improvement Manager.

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